The 1st Symposium on Microwave Imaging

Date: 2025-01-08Source: China Society of Image and Graphics

The 1st Symposium on Microwave Imaging (MWI 2025) is hosted by China Society of Image and Graphics (CSIG) and Hainan Aerospace Technology Innovation Centre (HATIC), and organised by Microwave Intelligent Imaging Committee (MIIC), Aerospace Information Research Institute of the Chinese Academy of Sciences (AIRCAS) Group and School of Electronic Information Engineering (Department of Aerospace Information), Beihang University. MWI 2025 will be held on 11-13 January 2025 in Hainan.

With the theme of "Microwave Imaging Empowering Industrial Economy", this conference is designed to offer a broader and more accessible academic exchange platform for a larger number of domestic academics, industrialists, and members of the CSIG. The conference aims to provide participants with the most cutting-edge information on academic advancements and assist them in engaging in discussions and the sharing of novel achievements and methods in related fields. These fields include new regime microwave imaging and image interpretation, polarised Synthetic Aperture Radar (SAR) theory and application, three-dimensional radar imaging intelligent processing, microwave radar image application, and microwave intelligent medical imaging technology.

An open call is now being issued for outstanding academic papers. In order to guarantee the quality of the papers that are ultimately accepted, the Programme Committee will conduct a meticulous and rigorous peer review process for all the manuscripts received. Once a paper is accepted, it will be recommended for publication in the main issue of the conference's co-operative journals, provided that the authors give their consent.

The scope of this conference call for papers includes, but is not limited to, the following:

(1) New regime microwave imaging and image interpretation;

(2) Polarised SAR theory and applications;

(3) Intelligent processing of 3D radar imaging;

(4) Microwave radar image applications;

(5) Microwave intelligent medical imaging, etc.

Important Dates:

Call for papers deadline: 30 November 2024

Acceptance notification date: 15 December 2024

Conference registration date: 25 October 2024-31 December 2024

Conference date: 11-13 January 2025

Journal Collaboration:

Journal of Radars, Journal of Image and Graphics. Outstanding papers accepted at the conference will be recommended for publication in the collaborating journals with the consent of the authors.

Submission Guidelines:

Papers for this conference should be submitted via email to the following address:

If your submission is accepted, the system will automatically send you a reply email informing you of the relevant information. If you do not receive a notification email or if you encounter any problems during the process, please contact the Organizing Committee (Mr. Feng:


Please indicate whether your submission is an academic report or an original paper when submitting: An academic report can be an abstract of a high-quality academic paper that has already been published. After acceptance, you will present an academic report at the conference and will not be considered for recommendation to the co-operative journals for papers.

Original papers must not have been published before. Please do not submit the same paper to multiple venues!

(The content is translated from the official website of China Society of Image and Graphics)